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Welcome Beautiful One,
You know that you are here for a reason and that reason is calling you forward from within.
The voice inside your heart, the feeling of more to if you are here for something greater...all these are nudges of your Soul knocking at your door and saying - "Hey, Its time to Remember."
It is time to Remember who you are as Creator, and why you are here. The Greater purpose of you choosing to incarnate on this planet in its Evolution Timeline.
It is time to Remember and anchor your dreams, your desires, the Vision and Mission of your Soul that is so ready to unleash its Magic.
It is not a co-incident that you are here at this time. There is much waiting for you to uncover and remember from your Soul Inheritance that has prepared you for many lifetimes to be part of this Evolution Journey.
Your Soul Calling is the answer of questions others has been asking from centuries to anchor & ground the New Earth Energies of Love, Abundance and Freedom.
You are the New Earth Energy.
And, it is time to remember....that YOU ARE THE ONE.
Welcome to the New Earth Vortex....the platform of New Creations and Multi-dimensionality.
Terra & your Soul Family.

Join the Tribe

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