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Welcome Love,

You are here for a reason and you know that.

You have prepared for many lifetimes to be here and there is deep knowing within you telling that there is more to life that you see in the world around you. 

There is deep calling within your Soul, within your heart that is activating different aspects of you - calling forward the answers of many Questions - Why are you here ?

What is your Role in all that is taking place on the planet right now?

What is your Purpose, your Mission in all this ?

It is not co-incident that you are here in middle of this Evolutionary Cycle when everything is changing at such a fast pace preparing the ground for New. 

You came here to be part of all this and anchor NEW with your SOUL MISSION and your Unique SOUL FREQUENCY. 


It is time to Activate and Embody that Version of you - who came here for this. 

You are the SEED OF THE NEW.

And, Gaia is calling you forward...activating deep remembrance within you - What you truly came here for ?

This is an invitation for those who are fully ready to accept and embody their Soul Magick at all levels through their journey of  Soul Remembrance to become their Multi-dimensional Self. 

If this feels aligned to you - we welcome you in this space to take the journey with us and your Soul Family. 

This is co-creation with Gaia consciousness, Galactic Federation of Light, Ascended Masters Collective and Councils of Light.

With Love,
Terra, & Manish





  • 22 Online Live Transmission and Integration Sessions, scheduled twice a month. All transmissions are channelled in co-creation with your Soul and Soul family for highest good.

  • Energetic upgrades and Healing around your Soul Vision and Mission done on your Energetic Field to support your Evolution and Ascension for the duration of the Container.

  • Private Online group support for Integration.

  • Recording of All Transmissions to keep for Life.

  • And, so much more. 

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