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Divine flow and co-creation with Heart consciousness

Every practice or ritual has its own consciousness and it opens up to meet us where we are and how open we are to receive.

When we connect to any practice, we engage with it with certain energy.

Often mind connects to many practices with energy of “Wanting” as it is trained to achieve certain results or outcomes or goal with it.

In that case, our capacity to receive from heart consciousness of practise itself remain closed.

We meet the energy that we bring.

This is where we are invited to go beyond what mind has been trained to believe.

To meet it with unconditional love and curiosity of the heart.

To engage with it frequency of creativity, divine flow and grace.

When we bring the Intention of deepening our connection, Enjoying our co-creation and our being in this relationship with practice, it takes higher expression and opens up new realms that are available to us with higher frequency.

As we are coming forward with Sovereignty and freedom rather than expectations.

New Earth energies are invitation to meet everyone and everything with open heart, true abundance of our Soul, synchronicity and divine love.

Co-create with each aspect of your life with this approach and see the miracle unfolding……because, they will 😍🌏🌹


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