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Releasing Time grip to invite abundance and freedom of Soul

Most of us has been raised and lived with lack of time grid without even knowing it. Rush Rush culture and frequency within our being and environment create the programming of lack within our subconscious mind and create the energetic pattern of expectations based upon time. It could be simple act of running for school in the morning and trying to reach ON TIME that creates limited experience of life within 3D grid. It is normal way of being where consciousness is focused to explore its existence within the dimension of limitations and expectations based upon this.

This is one of the basic grid we are releasing as we expand our consciousness within 4/5D where time is very fluid. We are being invited to release the old relationship with time and life expectations in all areas to explore and embody new way of living - Quantum time space realities where time is circular and life can take twist and turn beyond being linear.

There are many aspects that Soul is/will bring on surface to be re-integrated as it transition from linear to circular way of living creating new life experience on Earth. This enables us to experience life with more abundance, freedom and expansiveness that we all seek inwardly. It also facilitates the loosening of mind conditioning based upon many physical structures and create new templates through our own experiences and embodiment within human dimension. We become the embodiment and living of New Earth frequency and it starts expanding through us.

This is also invitation for slowing down as we go higher into frequencies. To experience the depth of life in new ways. To be more present with what is right in front of us. This transition takes time, patience, kindness, compassion and grace. Another aspect that we integrate on the way of this embodiment.

Look where and how life is inviting you to the NEW. It is through our own life each day, New Earth Energy is inviting us. Humanity Evolution is happening through the transformation of one belief, one emotion, one feeling at a time. It is the devotion to Love of Self that is leading the path - each day and every day. In here and Now.

What is your relationship with time ?

How do you experience yourself when things are not done as expected by mind's expectation and conditioning of the past/old way of being?

How do you show up when you don't make up On time for some meeting or event or any place ?

How do you experience yourself when someone else doesn't make up On time for pre-arranged meeting or event ?

How do you experience yourself when things take longer than expected?

These are some of the self enquires that can lead into the breakthrough of Rigidity that has created limited expression of life and navigating through them with unconditional love for self and co-creation with higher self can lead to more freedom within our being.

Invite the expansiveness of your being, the infinite nature of Soul into existence.

One step at a time.

Life is naturally and organically bringing everything that is needed to embody higher expression of our Soul here in physical so that we can experience life in new ways.

New Earth is birthing through us each day.



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