Nov 23, 2021GAIA’s HEART PORTALUnity is accepting the diversity in everyone. And, it begins within us with love and acceptance of Self. Remembering, that each one of us...
Nov 23, 2021NEW EARTHImagine a world where everyone is loved and accepted for who they are. where everyone is adored, celebrated and cherished for their...
Nov 23, 2021Honour your FearsWhen we signed up for this timeline of evolution and ascension, we knew that we have to move through polarities to anchor higher light....
Nov 23, 2021DIVINE FREEDOM AND DIVINE ABUNDANCEIf we really wants to experience the true freedom and abundance, it can be found only in limitless place. The place with - No rules, No...
Nov 23, 2021GIFT OF CONTRASTRestrictions are gateways to birth the parts of us that knows freedom is our core frequency. To shine the light where we think we “have...
Nov 23, 2021FREQUENCY VS PHYSICAL FORMWe live in vibrational realities that reflect back as mirror through physical reality. When we navigate our world through the energy and...
Nov 23, 20212021 - The year of Repair, Regeneration and RecalibrationNew energies are a wave of newness. Many are already receiving new thoughts, new ideas, new projects, new visions. As we enter...
Nov 17, 2021ActivationsHIGHER SELF/SOUL FREQUENCY ACTIVATIONTo activate Soul frequency to co-create with Higher self/Soul and to tap into our unique purpose/gifts. We all are Unique fractal of...